Quizzes and Biospheres
Subject: upcoming quiz and event
Hello parents,
We will be having a quiz on April 13th. Children are receiving a review sheet in class today. It is also highly suggested that they reread the Biosphere 2 reading in preparation.
On May 10th, we will have visitors from the Dolan Harbor DNA Labs. There is an $8.00 fee for this in school field trip. Permission slips are going home today. Warm regards, B Fisher
Oh, Beth. Why would you want the kids to reread a 272 page book in a weekend? They have other things to do like not read nonfiction.
Don't get me wrong. I support reading as much as the next fictional mother and aspiring writer, but the book looks boring. I doubt I'd be able to get through one reading, let alone a reread. Has anyone read Biosphere 2? Does it actually pertain to what Tasma's learning?
Come to think of it, I don't think Tasma read it the first time. That little girl is in trouble.
Last.fm hit of the day: Penetrate by Godhead