You Came Here How!?

So if you blog using Blogger, you've probably noticed the statistics tab. If you don't use it... Blogger has a tab that allows you to see all your stats: hits, top posts, top demographic, who tap dances, etc.

Since looking at statistics is higher in priority than cleaning my desk, I check them out a lot. I like to see how I've been found. The best thing is which keywords people use. Like:

Obviously if you found me with that search string, we need to talk.

Why would you be searching for this? When you hit it on the Googles, you get 13 results, one being mine. I'm not sure what you're trying to figure out, but you're not going to learn it here.

While I will agree that the mall does have some import, I'm not going to rank it up there with the sun or the Tower. Trust me on this. I've paid my dues as a mall rat. I've crowded the Galleria when cast members of the original 90210 visited. Social mecca it isn't.

That said...

Reasons the mall can be important

  • One-stop shopping. If it has a grocery store attached to it, you are entirely golden.
  • Possible protection from the zombie apocalypse
  • It's a place to hangout if you have nowhere else to go*.
  • It's too rainy to walk around the track.
  • It has the only Dunkin Donuts in a one hour radius**.

Miranda and I are cooking up some fun October topics this month, so don't forget to come back!

* This should never be the case. There's always some place better. Think the library.
** So not applicable to Massachusetts.

_____ hit of the day:She Is The New Thing by The Horrors