Trapped in a Book

Every Wednesday, YA Highway asks their readership a simple question to answer on your blog. Once you answer, you link your blog in the comments for other readers to hop on board. This is Road Trip Wednesday.

Today's question: If you could live within the universe of one book, which would you choose?

I panicked about this a little last night. I mean, there are so many to choose from. I finally narrowed it down to three.

The Dark Tower. Well, the part before it all went to pot. I'd like to live in Mejis for the country feel or Gilead for the pomp. Of course, I'd have to pull an Aline so I could do the gunslinger thing if I was in Gilead.

The Anitaverse. Vampires, lyncanthropes, zombies and more. All at your fingertips and not in hiding. It would make life very interesting.

But the number one pick for me?
The Mortal Instruments. Shadowhunters. Demons. Jace.

Stop by YA Highway and see what the others are saying. Also, tell me what book universe you would live in.

Reminder! The 99th Page Blogfest is happening on Friday. Have you signed up yet?
_______ hit of the day: Closer by Anathema