I Did It for the Accuracy

Every Wednesday, YA Highway asks their readership a simple question to answer on your blog. Once you answer, you link your blog in the comments for other readers to hop on board. This is Road Trip Wednesday.

Today's topic: What is the strangest/weirdest thing you've ever researched?

It's been established that I'm easily distracted.

Even with my love of Wikipedia and the Googles, I never hop on there for hell of it. I start off with a purpose. Sometimes it's to prove Hubby wrong, like how many hits came from Bush's Sixteen Stone*. Most of the time, though, it's for research.

While revising Phoenix Rising this month, I've researched the following topics:
  • contents of an aphrodisiac
  • behavior under the influence of ecstasy
  • how to kill with magic**
  • how to become a ninja***

Do you like asking Google random questions? What have you discovered?

* The answer is five.
** Apparently you can only do this in Harry Potter.
*** There are no ninjas in Phoenix Rising. I got distracted by another idea on a rather tedious scene.
Last.fm hit of the day: In Bloom by Nirvana