
Showing posts from November, 2015

Accountability Monday

To keep myself on task with everything I have to do outside of my day job, I've started Accountability Monday where I'll share my successes and failures from the past week and my goals for the upcoming one. If you too need something to keep yourself honest, feel free to join in. November is over. Or it will be tomorrow. I can't even think of words because all the words were used during NaNoWriMo. But, I can officially put up my tacky Christmas decorations now. So, YES to that. How I Did Last Week Write about 10K more on The SNI. Success! I've written over 18K this week. Leave the house by 5.30 during the week. Meh. Kinda sorta happened. Most days. Continue to take the stairs at work. Success! My Goals for This Week Complete The SNI draft at about 80K Read all the things. Walk up the stairs at work Biggest Challenge I Faced This Week Hubby's birthday was this past weekend so I figured I wouldn't get any writing in, but Hubby being Hubby m...

Accountability Monday

To keep myself on task with everything I have to do outside of my day job, I've started Accountability Monday where I'll share my successes and failures from the past week and my goals for the upcoming one. If you too need something to keep yourself honest, feel free to join in. Well, we've entered Week 4 of November. It's a week of all the things at Chez Gregoire: Thanksgiving, continual writing, and a milestone birthday for Hubby. It's also been 4 years since The White One had that horrible surgery because we couldn't figure out what was wrong. (Note: we're still paying off that surgery.. Gladly.) How I Did Last Week Write about 10K more on The SNI. Success! I've written over 17K this week. Leave the house by 5.30 during the week. Meh. Kinda sorta happened. Most days. Continue to take the stairs at work. Success! My Goals For This Week Since last week's goals were attainable and still valid. Let's do a repeat of them, shall we? ...

Accountability Monday.

To keep myself on task with everything I have to do outside of my day job, I've started Accountability Monday where I'll share my successes and failures from the past week and my goals for the upcoming one. If you too need something to keep yourself honest, feel free to join in. How I Did Last Week Write between 10,000 and 14,000 words this week. Nailed it. 19K written this week. Write the Week 3 Pep Talk for NaNoBoston, the Boston region for NaNoWriMo   Done! Continue to wake up at 4 and out the door by 5.30 the latest. Meh... a little dicey there. Continue taking the stairs at the day job. Yep. I'm surprised I haven't died from all the stairs yet. My Goals for This Week Write about 10K more on The SNI. Leave the house by 5.30 during the week. Continue to take the stairs at work. Biggest Challenge I Faced This Week The day job. There, I said it. Something I Love About My WIP That I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. My world buildin...

Accountability Monday

To keep myself on task with everything I have to do outside of my day job, I've started Accountability Monday where I'll share my successes and failures from the past week and my goals for the upcoming one. If you too need something to keep yourself honest, feel free to join in. So, it's November. It's NaNoWriMo . I'm lucky I know my name right now. I'm about 18,000 words into the SNI and I have a whole lot of work in store for Future Alicia, which you will undoubtedly hear about down the road when I talk about how Past Alicia did no prep work at all. How I Did Last Week   Well, last week I had no goals because I had no post. So let's look at goals from a few weeks ago: Send out SFLN to the two agents I promised it to. DONE Complete my plotting and preplanning for The SNI. Meh, I got *some* done. Most of NaNo is being pantsed this year. Stretch goal--> Exercise. I've been taking the stairs at the day job for the last week because we mo...

Dear Blog, Part IX

Dear Blog, I know. Today's supposed to be Accountability Monday, but it's NaNoWriMo time and I forgot to pre-game the post. I'll be back next week with an update. My goal for this week is to hit 12,000 words. Cross all the things. Xoxo, Alicia