Time Waster
I wanted to post an entry today, but we're at our month end in the office which means I'm doing number crunching. While I'm nursing a 6 hour old coffee and a massive crick in my neck, here is a blast from MySpace past (where I would randomly blog when I was bored.) September 11, 2006 Lobster Cappucino?! It's true. There is something out there called lobster cappucino. Everyone I had asked over 2 months had the same response: a confused expression with a nose wrinkle and an uttered "ew." No one knew what it was, but it sounded gross. I found it vaguely disturbing, but I now understand. It's a thicker lobster bisque served in an espresso cup. That's all. And they charge something like $20 per person to have this at your wedding's cocktail hour. As you can probably guess, I was in the middle of wedding planning. We didn't end up at whatever facility this was because any place that offers lobster in an espresso cup is way to frou-fr...