It's Candy Time!
Today's entry is brought to you by Miranda! Last week I started asking everyone what their favorite Halloween candy is or was. And while I received few opinions, I was fairly surprised by the ones I did get! This surprise may be due to the fact that the responses were so in contrast to *my* favorite candy. I guess I was egotistical enough to assume that my favorite candy to get while Trick or Treating and the reasons why would be everyone else's favorite candy! How wrong I was. An overwhelming majority of people have selected Chocolate and Peanut Butter candies as their favorites!! Reese's Pieces, Peanut Butter Cups, some unexplained chocolate peanut butter carmel concoction... these are the types of treats you all thought were the best and would be the most excited to get when going door to door dressed as goblins! For me personally, my favorites come down to three fun sized bars-- Snickers, Milky Way, or Three Musketeers. When I was younger, there were no better candi...