Friday Fives: Cover Envy
I say this with all genuinosity, Lurkdom: THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY. It's been a high-class craptastic week for yours truly and this weekend couldn't come fast enough*. That my weekend starts in about three hours emphasizes the hooray factor. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned my process for buying music is to go by the title. With books, 98% of the time my buying process is driven by the cover. If it's pretty, I'll pick it up. Other factors come into play then, but that's not what today is about. For someone who picks books based on cover art, there aren't many that I would sell my soul for. If Michael Whelan's art graces the cover, it's a safe bet that it'll catch my eye, so I've excluded him from my list and only focused on "recent" covers. All images are courtesy of Goodreads**. Cassandra Clare's City of Bones . Every time I saw the book in the store, I'd stop, stare, and pick it up. Why it took me three years t...