First Lines: A Sampler
Due to last week's blogging hiatus (not to mention a general case of head-up-the-ass), I didn't prepare for today's Friday Fives. Thank god for online book previews. Below you'll find some of my favorite beginnings*. "Are you still mad?" Alec, leaning against the wall of the elevator, glared across the small space at Jace. "I'm not mad." - City of Ashes, Cassandra Clare Why I Like It: I just reread the first three books in The Mortal Instruments so this scene is fresh in my mind. After spending one book already with Jace, Alec, and crew, you have a good idea of their personalities which makes the scene more fun. The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed. - The Gunslinger, Stephen King Why I Like It: I've blogged about this once before , but this sentence restored my faith in Stephen King. That withstanding, it's pretty intriguing. Why is this guy being followed across the desert? ...